Volunteer Photos

Volunteer Stories

Putting Everyone ahead of Her
Prior to our arrival we had organized a clothing drive from the States. We had a ton of fun creating a “store” for the children where they were able to pick out their own clothing. Some jumped up and down with excitement. Most pitched in organizing and helping the smaller children with sizes. One of my most memorable moments was one girl in particular who after helping out for hours, wanted to wait until, “everyone else was done picking so they had enough”. How amazing and selfless for a young woman who doesn’t have much to let everyone ahead of her.

True Joy from Helping Others
The children of Liberty are simply amazing and its surprising what a difference you can make (no matter how big or little) to them as well to the staff in the amount of time that you are there. Learning about different cultures and how they work was one of the reasons I decided to go and although it is a difference in culture it is also very exciting being somewhere new where you can put your own mark on things. Be yourself and embrace the joys of helping people knowing that your support will always be appreciated and loved by them!
Providing What Children Need to Flourish
The greetings I received from the liberty community that first day exemplified my overall experience and demonstrated the power of relationships and community in the healing and rehabilitation of the children. Not only is Liberty a safe haven for children, but it encourages and fosters freedom, curiosity, creativity, exploration and love – something all children need to flourish.
With Open Arms
I had no idea what to expect when we drove through the gates into Liberty. I certainly did not expect the children to welcome me with open arms. Literally. The children are so sweet, smart, and generous which reflects the great environment that Liberty provides. The three months I spent at Liberty were some of the happiest in my life.

The Most Important Shot
Eighteen years. That’s how long I played basketball. For roughly 6,570 days, I picked up a basketball and shot it at a hoop. It didn’t matter where I was— all that mattered for eighteen years was putting the ball in the hoop. After 2,500 points scored, I retired from the game. I was convinced that somewhere along the way, I had made the biggest shot of my career and my life.
I was wrong.
Eighteen years. That’s how long most of the children will live at The Liberty Children’s Home in Belize. Although many of the children have a passion for the game, their passion for life and love is much greater.
On day three of the latest MaidPro Cares mission trip to Liberty Children’s Home, about 15 of the children and I were playing basketball. Their smiles were contagious. We were laughing, shooting trick shots, and for the first time in my life, it didn’t matter if I made a basket or not.
We began making small bets for fun. If any of the children made a special shot, they would win a dollar or two. When it was my turn, I asked them what I would win if I made the basket. They all replied, “A hug!” Without another thought, I threw up a shot from far down the court. When the ball reached its peak, my eyes began to water as I watched the ball gently glide through the hoop. This was the biggest shot I’ve ever made. Immediately, all of the children ran up and gave me a big group hug.
No longer did making a shot stand for personal success or winning. It stood for love.

A New Mindset for Life
This is my story of how a mere four days changed my mindset about everything I thought I knew in life.
I went to Belize to help out at the Liberty Children’s Home…but what I received in return from the children, and everyone I met, is something I will always treasure.
As we arrived at Liberty, it was easy to tell by the smiles on the children’s faces how ecstatic they were by visitors. They were so happy to know there were people who genuinely care; people who continue to come back year after year; people who keep the promise every time they say, “We’ll see you again.”
I learned so much about these children in such a short stay. I also learned so much about myself.I’ve always found myself caring way too much about trivial things, but the hardships some of the children have had to face in their short lifetimes were way bigger than anything I’ve ever had to face in my life. Even throughout their struggles, they’ve remained happy and content in their lives at Liberty.
I am truly amazed by their resilience; these children make me believe in silver linings.They stole my heart in just a few short days. The children never asked us for physical things—they only asked that we remember them, to come back to visit, to be people they can look up to. And that’s what we did for them: We showed up, we cared, we consoled, we listened, and we were present.

Five Days Too Short
This was my second trip to the Liberty Children’s Home in Belize. The last time I visited was only for a few hours, but this time I stayed at the children’s home for five days. I got the chance to play, talk and eat with the children. I got to know them and to create a deep bond with some of them. To see their eyes light up and their smiles when they talk to you is a type of feeling you can’t describe in words. It was delightful and sad at the same time because I knew in a few days I would have to go home and leave them.
Prior to my arrival to the orphanage, I warned myself to not get too attached. But in the end, I couldn’t help but let my guard down around them. I thought I did so well hiding my emotions in front of these kids until I had to say goodbye on the last day. As soon as I hugged one of them, tears ran down my face.
Prior to this trip, I always told people we go to Belize to help the kids and to build things around the orphanage. After this trip, I now know those kids are actually the ones helping me. They boosted my spirit to new levels and have helped me gain perspective about my own life. Meeting these kids makes me appreciate what I have so much more. They taught me that life has so much to offer if we remember to look beyond ourselves. Help others who need help and they will help you in ways you couldn’t even imagine.
Volunteer Here
Liberty relies on the heart and help of volunteers all year long. Whether you have a day, a week, or longer, we have opportunities to fit the time of year and the length of stay. Here are some of the way volunteers can help:
- Meal preparation
- Daycare
- Preschool
- Laundry
- Grounds maintenance
- Homework
- Sports
- Special activities
If you have a specialize profession like construction, medical training or special talent like music, magic, or art, we would love to have you share your talents with Liberty.
Please complete the form below: